Saturday, March 8, 2014

americans extinguishing lives

ever notice all the fine and good things about America. over time they did not like the blACKS, the so called witches, the ill, the struggling - anyone who does not act as they do or think as they do or sticks out in any way -  including americans did this while serving malicious or corrupt objectives. anyone looking perfect is innocent and their kind when they think and act akin to the malice of its system and ways. their ideology their ways and their looks makes them perfect regardless how nasty or how wrong. but people are brainwashed to believe such acts are nothing and are righteous so that America can turn its tables and waste anyone its target for free. America the ultimate diabolical bully with most money at its disposal and most resources to trash on wasting you. guess what?- America's cake is not done till its fried - and they are doing most pro job of extinguishing lives supposedly in "the name of good" over at the kitchen.

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